Saturday, December 6, 2014

Nearing the end...

I have one week until I am home.  This has by far been the longest time I have been away from my home and my family.  This has also been one of the hardest semesters of my life in so many ways!  Yet, I think I will come away in the end grateful to have had the experience.  

I've been starting to experience some of the first of the lasts.  It's a bittersweet feeling because I hate change and I hate saying good-bye, especially to a place that I really love and appreciate.  But the past few weeks, I have more and more SO ready to be home.  I think about my sweet nephews who are growing so much without me there often.  I want to just be HOME.  I'm ready for Christmas as well!  I've been getting so excited for Christmas, and it makes me so anxious to be home and spend the holidays with my family.

Thanksgiving didn't even really feel like Thanksgiving this year.  We had a rainy Thanksgiving weekend, but it was enjoyable.  We had a large Thanksgiving meal with the rest of the program students and teachers and faculty in a restaurant.  They prepared us a "traditional" American Thanksgiving meal, and it was delicious! (Especially because we haven't really had American food in so long!)  It was delicious and a lot of fun to celebrate the holiday together.  We played some games and even did a Secret Santa gift exchange.  I did better than I thought being away from my family for the holiday.  It probably helped that it wasn't my first Thanksgiving holiday away from my immediate family.  (I have spent it with Derrick & Sandy in Chicago before.) And it really didn't feel like Thanksgiving at all since they don't celebrate the holiday.

I will miss a few things from Spain, though, so I just wanted to share a few of the things that I feel like I'm going to miss shortly after leaving this place.  

-Speaking Spanish.  It truly is one of my passions, and I've learned so much!  Yet I know I have so much more to learn, and I keep desiring to speak better and keep learning!  That is a lot harder not being in Spain, so I will miss the opportunity to speak and practice my Spanish all of the time!
-The professors.  I love my professors here and everyone at Acento.  I will miss them all so much and miss the experiences and fun class times!  It also is beginning to hit me that I am DONE with classes for my undergraduate career!  Woo-hoo!  (But also scary!  I feel so old!)  On to student teaching next semester! (which I am also getting anxious and excited about!)
-Seville.  This city is beautiful and old.  I will miss walking around and seeing beautiful, old buildings and exploring the city!
-Rosa.  My sweet Rosa who I've stayed with all semester is so great, and I will miss her so much!  It has been a blessing to be able to stay in her home and for her to open her home up to us in the way she has!  She is a blessing for sure.
-The lifestyle here.  There is always things to do in the city, but yet it still feels like a smaller city in so many ways.  I will miss being able to go out late at night and see so many people in the streets and walking around, etc.  It is a great part of the culture here, and it has made living here a lot of fun.  

For now, though, I am ultimately looking towards being home.  And when I think about it, I don't think I will miss being in Seville more than I will appreciate being home with those I love!  Pray for my transition, as this week will be hard.  We have lots of good-byes, packing, and tests before I head out on Saturday morning at 4 AM from my home here!  I have an anxious heart about a lot of things, so I'm hoping that I continue to enjoy my last days and really feel like I just use my time well & don't get too antsy to be home!  I will be home sooo soon!  I can't wait to see everyone. :)

Adios y vaya con Dios,

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